Book Review: Pachinko

Image result for pachinko min jin lee
Book cover art

Pachinko is a game of chance. Rigged each morning so that only certain machines will win, the public comes en masse to try to win big. Very few win it all.

It’s an apt metaphor for the family Min Jin Lee has created with her beautifully-crafted book, Pachinko. The story of a Korean family who moves to Japan, it primarily follows Sunja as she navigates being a poor Korean, a single mother, and an even poorer Korean expatriate. The book switches narration often between characters, but Sunja serves almost as a touchstone for the reader. She is a young Korean girl who becomes pregnant by a man who is already married. When a missionary proposes to her in exchange for saving his life, she moves to Japan with him to work in a church. Unfortunately, Japan is not the most welcoming place to those it has colonized. Sunja and her husband face endless bigotry as they try to make a living, as do Sunja’s two sons and, eventually, their sons.

This is a novel about female strength. Not in an overt way, but like its female characters, it quietly pushes and successfully shares its ideas. Sunja’s mother has a motto: “a woman’s lot is to suffer”. Continually, the women in Pachinko are the ones holding everything together and keeping the family in its varying forms afloat. When her brother-in-law forbids it, Sunja and his wife create and run a successful business that keeps the family from starving. When the family must seek shelter during World War II, the women work for their keep on a farm safe from the bombs, ensuring the continuation of their bloodline.

Image result for pachinko min jin lee

Continuously, these women work for the bare minimum, but do so for the benefit of their entire family. They are truly the backbone of what is outwardly a matriarchy, providing when the men fail to do so and quietly being the reason the men end up succeeding. They do all of this in a country that, quite honestly, hates them. Sunja’s sons deal with bullying and discrimination at school, leading to an exploration of identity. Noa, for example, spends most of his childhood wishing he was Japanese and feeling conflicted about his Korean ancestry.

Pachkino tells the story of one family, but it is a portrayal of a part of history that is not shared with the West. Many Korean families that were told that Japan would bring them prosperity only to be severely disappointed. Min Jin Lee has made a fantastic, moving, and important book.

Update: For the past year, Pachinko has been my go-to whenever someone has asked for a book recommendation. I’ve yet to hear someone say they’ve been anything but thrilled with it.

Image result for pachinko min jin lee
Author Min Jin Lee

Book of the Month.

This is not an ad, it is not a sponsor, it’s just something cool that I figured people would enjoy information on.

There has been this phenomenon on the internet—and elsewhere—for a long time called “subscription boxes”. Some of them are beauty related, some are snacks, and some…are books. That’s right, you can pick a book to come right to your door, along with other cool shit you might enjoy or throw out (still not sold on that part). After watching PeruseProject’s most recent video about exactly this topic, I decided I’d try it out.

It seems like a great system, and a good way to get books for a relatively discounted price (I also followed a link from the blog My Subscription Addiction and got a coupon). My goal this year was to diversify the authors and characters I read about, so I’ve selected Pachinko by Min Jin Lee for my first book.

From the blurb that this subscription site, Book of the Month, gives me, this is a story that goes across generations of a Korean family living in Japan. I love books that span lifetimes, mostly because I love seeing exactly how choices affect future generations. It gives a link to the past and the present that I worry people often forget about. Pachinko sounds both heart-wrenching and fascinating, and I’m excited for it to come in two days!

Part of the reason I wanted to diversify my reading was because I want different stories and perspectives. My favorite part of reading is learning something new, not just academically, but emotionally and socially. I have one very limited perspective, and I love to broaden that.

Another reason is that I have definitely seen the recent news about representation in media. I consider books to be media, and my favorite kind. They spread a message to huge numbers of people, making them extremely influential. I was cleaning out my bookshelf during my most recent break from school and found that a stupid majority of the authors I’ve been reading most of my life have been white, heterosexual females from either the UK or the US. That’s not a terrible thing or anything, but it did illuminate  why I had felt recently that I was reading the same story over and over again.

Basically, I’ve gotten complacent in my little bubble, and I need to branch out or I’ll end up stunted. Simple as that.

PeruseProject talks about wanting to read more diversely in the video linked above. With this inspiration, I looked up my own monthly subscription box for books and discovered Book of the Month. The coupon (also linked) allowed me to get one month for $5 and free shipping. If I choose to continue, the rate is $14.99 per month for one book, with the ability to add on two others for $9.99 if I really can’t decide!

Personally, I think this is a marvelous way to keep people reading. Half the reason I don’t read as much during the school year is that I don’t live near any bookstores. It just takes more effort, time, and planning to get to a bookstore while at school. Not to mention, I’m basically broke and reading for classes, as well. This just seems more manageable. We shall see.

As I said, I haven’t received the box yet, so I can make no attestations as to whether this subscription would at all be worth your time. I hope it will be, but regardless this is an opportunity to get at least one book for very cheap. I jumped at the chance, hopefully others will, too.